Unique Delegation Manager: Empower Users. Delegate Access.

4 min readFeb 24, 2023


The article has been originally published on Unique.vc Learning Center.

One of the core problems that the web3 industry is facing is a constant compromise between user experience and self-custody. Ensuring security is critical, but without a user-friendly experience, it will be difficult to attract the next billion users. This is where UDM comes in, supporting a frictionless and more secure user experience for all Solana-based dApps and protocols.

What is UDM in a Nutshell?

Unique Delegation Manager (UDM) is an open-source protocol for managing a master-delegate relationship between one-to-many wallets.

Connecting a master wallet to unknown dApps is a huge obstacle for some users. It’s perceived as an unsafe activity and many users have a fear of their assets being compromised. With UDM integration, users can access a dApp without directly connecting their master wallet. Each delegate wallet is built to represent a master wallet’s identity over various dApps.

Thus, the UDM acts as a safety barrier between a dApp and users’ master wallets. Neither the delegate wallet nor the dApp can access or operate the assets on the master accounts. Multiple master wallets can be linked to the delegate wallets and represent their identity over various dApps, thus speeding up the user journey while ensuring the safety of personal assets.

Improving the User Experience of Protocols

This toolset adds an extra layer of security for users of your dApp making it more attractive and user-friendly.

By introducing delegate wallets, individuals can access your dApp and approve transactions much faster. Whether you require KYC verification, specific tokens, NFTs, or access codes in order to use the dApp, a delegate wallet can verify the possession of those assets and speed up the user journey. When claiming rewards, on the other hand, permission will be granted through the delegate wallet while assets can be sent directly to the master wallet.

Unique Delegation Manager can further enhance your dApp’s user experience by enabling your community to connect a delegate wallet from their mobile devices. This eliminates the need to provide private keys, seed phrases, or transfer assets to different wallets each and every time users access your dApp. One single interface can represent multiple wallets and support all the needs of your users.

How to Integrate UDM to Your Protocol?

The potential applications of this toolset are limitless and any protocol can benefit from its integration. Its main components being a Solana-based program and SKDs allows developers to easily integrate this solution into their dApps. All that is required is to implement the on-chain statement into their smart contracts.

Learn more about Unique Delegation Manager and find the integration instructions on Github. Reach out to the Unique.vc team for additional support and cross-promotion opportunities.

Why You Should Integrate UDM Into Your Protocol

- Ensures maximum safety of users’ assets
- Makes access to the dApp faster
- Speeds up the in-app actions and enhances the user experience
- Open-source and licensed under the AGPL-v3.0 license
- Offers a user-friendly interface and the CLI version for advanced users
- Audited by Sec3

Open source and Audited by Sec3

Developed during the Solana Sandstorm Hackathon, this solution is and will remain open source for the whole Solana community to benefit from it. It is designed to be easily integrated and customized to fit the specific needs of individual dApps, thus enhancing the user experience within the ecosystem.

UDM has undergone a safety audit by Sec3, a leading security research company that focuses on securing web3 protocols for a larger user base. The audit report verified the safety of the toolset.

Join the movement of seamless and secure dApp user experience by incorporating the UDM to your Protocol. Let’s work together to drive the future of the Solana ecosystem and bring web3 to the masses.




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